
Awaken Your Physical Health

I Support Women Who Are Beginning or Return Safely to Exercise Become Stronger, Toned and Confident in their Physical Body with an Individualised Progressive Exercise Program

You are here because you haven’t exercised in a while and you don’t know where to begin. Your weight and belly circumference continues to increase and you are at a loss as to what to do next!

In the past you have tried exercising at a high intensity, most days of the week but your body couldn’t cope and you wound up fatigued, tired, lacking energy and in pain, injured.

  You may be de-conditioned due physically inactivity and as a result has affected your mood, motivation and energy to begin your journey to better health!

There is a SOLUTION! A Holistic one! Read on..

The Awaken Your Body Experience is designed for you to become aware of your body and how it moves to ensure you safely execute exercises, while learning to correct your muscular imbalances that have developed due to physical inactivity. 

If muscular tension, aches and pains are present we identify what actions, tasks and movements are causing pain or discomfort and find a better way to complete them.

Once you are moving more freely you will begin to implement some techniques to release your stored tension in your muscles tissue by incorporating a combination of flexibility and mobility techniques as well as some stress management strategies to calm your body.

As the tension in your body begins to release, you will engage in a graded mat work Pilates exercises to rebuild and lay the foundations correctly.

Strengthening the core structures and safely building up endurance in your postural muscles, will ensure you better sustain your activities of daily living without fear of creating more harm or pain.

From here, you have a solid base and you will now begin by progressing and continuing to layer your body with resistance, while incorporating some functional movements to prepare your body for the next step – strength based exercises.

For women who are insulin resistantperi menopausalpre menopausal and in menopause building muscle is a very important piece to the puzzle when keeping hormones balanced. 

As you reach the final stage of the program, you will successfully participate and complete full body strength and conditioning exercises to ensure you can sustain a bout of physical activity and exercise in its entirety without pain and with better control of your body.

You are now ready to take the next step and begin your journey to feeling stronger, toned and more confident in your body!

Success Stories


Melinda completed the Awaken Your Body Experience and has progressed to my weight loss membership. She began her journey with back and hip pain and 18 months later has managed her pain and lost 26kg and many centimetres to date and continuing..

– Here are some of her achievements, thoughts and feelings –

” I wasn’t happy with how I felt. I had back issues and wanted to lose weight. I felt tired all the time and had no energy. I didn’t voluntarily go for a walk because my hips would hurt.”

“I stand from a seated position without using my hands for support/leverage. I squat rather than bend over to pick things up more frequently and I am more active in the house.”

“I recall needing to use a fit ball when doing certain weighted exercises to support me and having frequent breaks in between exercises by walking it out more often after some exercises.” 

“I move more intuitively, completing more strength based circuits and when the program intensity is increased I feel challenged and happy that I’ve achieved a new level within myself. That is satisfying and rewarding. I feel proud that I have achieved something.”

“I’ve lost 26kg and many centimetres. Going from size 24 to 20 up top and 22 to 18 in bottoms.”

“Through setting weekly goals, I have increased my daily and weekly step count going from an average of 4,700 steps to 7-8,000 steps daily.”


Laura is a post menopausal woman who it was very important to this client to build muscle mass, improve bone strength and improve her body composition. She has been active all her life, having worked in the fitness industry but became unhappy with how she looked and felt. Her energy was low and she was the heaviest she had ever been.

In early 2022 her and her husband began strength train 2 x per week, she stretches every night independently and walks her dogs most days of the week. She also sees an Integrative Dr who supports her specifically with her gut issues where she is closely monitored.

Her goals when we began working together were:

✨To lose 12 kg

✨To move without pain

✨To feel better in her clothing

✨To feel strong


✨13.6 kg lost so far

✨14 cm lost around the waist

✨11 cm lost around the hips

✨Sciatic pain gone

✨Bilateral knee pain gone

✨General postural pain has improved significantly

This has been a holistic approach. Consistent exercise including resistance training, stress management and minimising inflammatory foods is a great place to start.⁣⁣ Her journey is about making lifestyle changes that last – not quick fixes that include restrictive eating and slogging it out in the gym. ⁣⁣It’s been a wonderful and rewarding journey so far ! ⁣


Maddie was referred by her GP in mid November 2020 as a newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic.⁣⁣

She committed to seeing a Dietician, Diabetes Educator and myself (Exercise Physiologist) to manage this condition.

⁣⁣At the time of seeing me her HBA1C was at 7.0, Fasting glucose was 8.1mmol and suffered with sleep apnoea and a lack of energy.⁣⁣

Apart from taking back control of these elevated blood results, her main goal was to feel the endorphins post exercise like she once had when engaging in physical activity.⁣⁣

Fast forward to September 2022 – she has achieved these AMAZING results all while moving house and starting a new job. 




* 15 kg loss⁣ 

* 20 cm down on her waist⁣ 

* 15 cm down on her hips 

* HBAC1 from 7 to 6.2 mmol⁣

* Total Cholesterol from 4.6 – 3.9 mmol⁣ 

* Triglycerides from 2.1 to 1.1⁣ 

* HDL from 0.85 to 0.82⁣ 

* LDL from 2.8 to 2.6⁣ 

* Sleep quality has improved and sleeping through the night⁣ 

* Feeling stronger and more toned⁣ 

* Has joined a gym and is now complementing our weekly sessions with some water aerobics, walking or home programs I have written for her.⁣⁣

The above results were from 21/1/21 so I look forward to her updated blood results when she next visits her GP.⁣⁣

The most rewarding achievement was when in early April she had finally felt that endorphin rush post our weekly zoom exercise session!

⁣⁣“My goal is to improve my fitness enough to get to the point where I can feel the post exercise endorphins” – Maddie⁣

Moral of the story – don’t give up on your health goals and desires. Sometimes you will achieve them quickly and in most cases it will take a little longer but the feeling when you get their makes all the effort SO worth it!⁣ ⁣

Learn About My 5 Step Approach To Awaken Your Body & Achieve Your Ultimate Health Goals!

A Little More About The Awaken Your Physical Health Experience..

Regaining HEALTHENERGY & VITALITY is at your fingertips and I’d like to share with you my signature online program that you can do in the comfort of your own home with LIFETIME access so you can revisit it at any time.


This experience takes you through 5 Stages to Awaken Your Body helping you to return to exercise safely and progressively by empowering you with the tools and knowledge through postural awareness, correction, tension release, strengthening techniques and exercises.

Just like a house requires the foundations to be laid, so does your body!


If you are ready to make your health goals a priority and reverse all the negative affects of sedentary behaviours due to your aches, pains and injuries or a lack of motivation, commit now and let’s do this properly once and for all!

3 Reasons Why You Need To Stay Strong…


Muscle Mass Declines After 30 Years of Age

Muscle mass keeps us strong, able and independent.

Lean muscle mass declines by about 3 percent every decade between the ages of 30-80 while strength declines 30 percent between the ages of 50-70.


Increased Productivity + Mood By Calming Your Body 

When we are pain free, calm and energetic we are functioning optimally allowing us to carry out our daily tasks with ease and in a better mental state.. 


Reconnect With Your Physical Body

Most of us spend the majority of our day sitting hovering over a keyboard without moving for hours at a time.

 This weakens your muscles and structures that are connected to your spine and pelvis causing dysfunctions.

Here Is What You Will Have Access To..

Access to Membership Portal

Exercises Delivered via an App

You’ll gain access to the Awaken Your Body Membership Portal with a login to where the experience is hosted with videos, exercises, functional testing protocols and questionnaires so you stay on the right track. You will be supported through each of the stages step by step to ensure you are progressing.

You’ll gain access to an app where I have created video demonstrations of each exercise for each week of the plan so you can do them any place, anytime!

Community Support Group

Access to an Accredited Exercise Physiologist

You’ll gain access to a community of women navigating their way through implementing the 5 step approach to healing their aches and pains or just purely returning to exercise after an absence.

This is a positive and uplifting community of like minded women who understand you and what you are feeling on your journey to better health! The community will allow you to feel supported, keep you motivated and hold you accountable as you navigate your way through the experience.

You’ll have access to an experienced Accredited Exercise Physiologist who has helped hundreds of women in clinic and online get back into exercise with a progressive approach, taking into consideration that everyone is individual.

You will have an initial zoom appointment to discuss your personalised exercise plan and discuss what the journey looks like as you move through the program. We will meet weekly online via zoom to check in on your progress, modify and/or progress your exercise program.

If you buy today you’ll have instant access to these bonuses free..value over $600

Bonus #1

*Awaken Your Healthy Habits

11 Nutrition & Lifestyle Habits That Will Transform Your Health!

This healthy habits transformation program will help you achieve a healthy and lean body composition through essential nutrition and lifestyle habits. These habits are designed to be included easily into your daily life and be followed through with everyday.

Value $197

Bonus #2

* Home Office Wellness Toolkit
This is a guide to taking charge of your physical, mental and emotion health, while working from home.

Bonus #3

* Calm Your Body Meditation
This is a guided body scan meditation. Helps relieve stress, tension and anxiety and restore your body’s inner calm.

Value $297

Bonus #4

* 40 Protein Focused Recipes + Suggested Meal Plans

This is a collection of high protein recipes, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, treats and smoothie options.

This style of eating may assist with building and maintaining lean muscle mass supporting your strength exercise program and getting maximum results.

Value $97

Bonus #5

* One Essential Oil Roll Blend of YOUR choice!

Each of the essential oil roll on blends have a similar purpose in that they reduce stress by calm the nervous system.

Awaken Your Physical Health is energising, Peaceful Warrior is for the night time and Calm Your Hormones is for balancing your mood on or around that time of the month.

Value $15

Total Bonus Value is over $600!

Hi, I’m Louisa

I’m an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Exercise Scientist, Wellness Advocate and Creator of my Signature Essential Oil Blend and Candle Range.

I have over 18 years of experience in the health industry and my passion is helping women improve their posture, build core strength to create strong foundations which leads to greater health outcomes.

Sport, exercise and physical activity has always been a part of my life and I want to share my knowledge to other women who would like to integrate exercise safely into their daily life. 

The positive affect it has had in my life – mentally, emotionally and spiritually is too good not to share.

Look forward to working with you!

Client Feedback – Here is what they are saying….

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need access to a gym to complete the Awaken Your Physical Health Experience?

No. You will not need access to a gym. This experience has been designed so that you can complete it at home with minimal equipment.

Who is this experience for?

This experience is suitable for women who:

– are beginning or restarting their exercise journey safely

– want to get stronger and more toned

– have neck, shoulder, back, hip or knee pain that prevents you from walking or carrying out your activities of daily living

– get injured shortly after commencing exercising

– are wanting to lose weight but don’t know where to start because it’s been so long since engaging in any form of exercise consistently

I haven’t exercised in a while. Is this experience suitable?

Absolutely. This experience is perfect in getting you from the couch or minimal movement, to engaging in moderate to vigorous exercise and physical activity with a graded exercise approach.

Will I have access to the experience instantly? When can I book my zoom initial assessment?

Yes. The experience is fully online. You will have access to your exercises, Facebook community and weekly zoom calls to map out and check in on your journey and a personalised program to ensure you are meeting your goals.

Do I need equipment to complete the exercises?

Yes some basic equipment is needed.

What type of exercise is it?

It is a combination of mat work pilates and strength and conditioning exercises. It is a progressive graded exercise program to ensure your foundations are strong as you progress through each stage.