
Setting You Goals and Intentions Mindfully

If you reflect back on 2021, did you set any goals or intentions?

Did you achieve them?

If yes, fantastic! Your commitment to your goals is what got you there.

If you answered no, please keep reading..

Like with anything you want to achieve in life, setting goals and intentions for your health and wellbeing and feeling into them is how you’ll get to answer yes to the question above.

Effective goal setting will allow you to visualise your goal in your mind and also the required steps or milestones to make it happen.

The biggest mistake I have seen women make in setting goals is that more often than not they are generic and long term goals eg. I want to lose 10kg.

The problem with setting generic, long term goals is that it can seem like you are climbing a huge mountain and when life gets in the way, which it will, can often lead you to become side tracked, lost or disinterested.

I get it I’ve been there many times.

The truth is, long term goals are achieved when we make small and manageable changes to your lifestyle habits.

Your desired goals can be referred to as an outcome. By classifying them as ‘outcomes’ you are able to distinguish between:

?Where you are now and

?Where you really want to be

By setting ‘mini goals’ you can see how your daily performances and processes are helping you progress towards your main goal.

By breaking the goal down into daily performances or specific tasks that would need to be completed to achieve the main goal, progress is much easier tracked and noticed.

And when we notice changes (because we are now looking for them and measuring them) we stay motivated and inspired to keep going.

So my advice to you is to be detailed in your goals and intentions. You are an individual and there is no one size fits all rule.

When setting effective and measurable goals, it’s important to implement the ?.?.?.?.? ??????????. This means the goals should be:

???????? – is the goal clearly written, with no ambivalence? Is it clear who needs to accomplish the goal, and any support that might be expected?

?????????? – Does the goal answer the questions of how many, how much and/or how often?

?????????? – Can you get the support needed to achieve the goal by the target date? Do you have all the resources needed to achieve the goal? Are the results expected realistic?

???????? – Does the goal make a difference to your career/health/wellbeing? Is it going to make an improvement in your personal life? Is it going to significantly make a difference for you and your environment?

???? ????? – Does the goal state a clear and specific completion date?

As you are writing your goals and desires ask yourself the following questions:

? Why is this goal important to me?

? When I achieve this goal how will it make me feel? Visualise it

It’s such a powerful activity to complete especially when you feel into them. We are emotional beings and when you feel into something you can better visualise it and make it happen. 

My clients and members are currently working on setting their long, medium and short term goals accompanied with the smaller outcomes and daily lifestyle changes required to achieving their health desires.

If you have struggled in the past to achieve your health goals, try implementing the S.M.A.R.T principles to ensure you set your goals and intentions with purpose, intention and feeling this year!

Good luck – remember to connect to your inner most desires. It’ll be what gives you the change you so desperately want ?


I am now welcoming new clients and members into the Awaken Your Body Individualised Program and/or Membership. 

If you would like know more about my holistic approach to achieving your health and wellbeing goals comment YES and I’ll get in touch to discuss if it’s right for you!

Send me an email HERE and let’s organise a chat or learn more about my Awaken Your Body PDF


Louisa Sammartino
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