Imagine what it would feel like to:
- Restore your energy to live your most vibrant and passionate life
- Manage your stress with well formulated self-care rituals
- Improve your pain with corrective exercises
- Balance your hormones through appropriate types of exercise
- Wake up feeling rested by implementing some sleep hygiene strategies
- Build a positive mindset than will transform your health goals
What would this mean for you and your current lifestyle and future goals?
You have been encouraged by health professionals that exercise will better manage your blood sugars, blood pressure, cholesterol and improve your insulin sensitivity but have no idea where to start. You can’t remember the last time you exercised regularly and consistently but the last time you did, you aggravated or injured your back, neck and shoulders causing pain and forcing you to stop and rest. This cycle of exercise – pain – injury – recovery has happened all too often.
We are living in a time where we are constantly tired and energy levels are low. Chronic stress and anxiety have led you to burnout. The perception is that pain is normal and waking up feeling sluggish and foggy is normal. Guess what? I am pleased to say that you no longer need to feel this way. The program works holistically to incorporate 3 key health elements – physical, mental and emotional wellbeing to mindfully achieve your goals. Empowering and supporting you on your journey to personal and professional wellness is our number one goal.
We begin with corrective exercises to improve your posture to reduce the instances of posture related pain with guided videos and exercise programs. Progressively we move into body weight exercises to condition the major muscle groups and prepare the body for more moderate to vigorous exercises modalities.
Once the foundations are in place and your body is better adapted to handle more intense aerobic and resistance training, we look at the factors that may be inhibiting regular physical activity habits. We look at the barriers associated to physical inactivity, consider your work and home environment, exercise history, sleeping patterns and ways in which you manage stress.
The program will empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to reach your health goals by cultivating a positive mindset to change your life. Once you join the program you will automatically gain access to a Facebook group where we create a kind, positive and encouraging community to help each other thrive and create the life of your dreams!
This course is suitable for those who are struggling to manage any of the following:
- Fat Loss
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Hypertension
- High Cholesterol
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Postural Pain
- Lack of Energy or Motivation
- Burnout
- Depression
- Stress
* Please note this program or advice should not replace you seeing a Doctor for a professional medical opinion.
Program Details:
Week 1 – Initial Assessment Skype Call (1 hr)
Provides an overview of the next 4 weeks of your journey to better posture and health. Learn how to be more aware of your body in your daily life and how it may be affecting your productivity and happiness. You will be provided with the tools to begin correcting your posture.
Topics include
- Relationship between posture and movement
- Why good posture is important
- Effects of prolonged sitting
- Common pain points in sitting and standing
- Introduction to the 4 Pillars of Posture
- Exercises to correct your postural muscles
Week 2
Improving your mindset and creating daily habits and rituals is vital in forming habits in regaining your physical health. Correcting your posture and increasing movement will have a positive affect on all your body systems, while minimising your risk of chronic pain, chronic disease and injuries.
Topics include
- The effects of stored emotions and stress
- Improve your daily exercise habits
- Myofascial release techniques
- Exercises to correct your postural muscles
Week 3
Learn how to maintain the integrity of your core muscles and all of the surrounding structures to move more efficiently. Apply these principles into your activities of daily living and exercise regime to move optimally.
Topics include
- Benefits of core stability and strength
- Core muscles and their purpose
- How to incorporate your exercises at work
- Home exercises for strengthening your postural muscles
Week 4
Apply all of the skills you have developed over the duration of the course to progress your current exercise program. We look at the benefits of exercise for chronic disease and illness prevention and management with the introduction of the physical activity recommendations for adults. We discuss the different types of exercise, duration, intensity and frequency that is vital in creating a more productive, energetic and happier you.
Topics include
- Exercise Progressions
- Introduction to exercise recommendations for adults
- General all body strengthening program
Week 5 – Follow Up Skype Call (30 mins)
Understanding how to exercise effectively managing diabetes, weight loss, high blood pressure, high cholesterol in chronic disease and illness and how consistent exercise will improve your mitochondrial cell health. We explore the benefits of high intensity interval training and understand its role in managing your health more effectively. Boost your metabolism by exercising more intensely for a shorter amount of time.
Topics include
- Learn the different types of exercise modalities
- Benefits of training at a higher intensity
- The importance of rest and recovery
- Why less is sometimes more
- What is the best combination of exercises for managing your weight
- Exercise program
Week 6
Stress management plays a major role in managing our physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Stress, in particular, has become a major part of our lives but it doesn’t need to take over. Understand the triggers of anxiety, depression and stress and develop techniques to better manage it through the creation of self-care rituals to regulate your hormones, improve your mood and sleep quality. You will recieve a bottle of my ‘Awaken Your Physical Health’ and ‘Peaceful Warrior’ Essential Oil blend.
Topics include
- How to manage stress to prevent burnout
- Learn the art of effective breathing
- Benefits of essential oils for reducing stress
- Learn how to create a self care routine
- Benefit of Meditation
- Exercises for stress management
Week 7
Sleep plays an important role in managing your physical health. Getting a good night’s sleep can help better control your weight and hormones. There is strong evidence to suggest that a lack of good quality sleep increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart failure and cognitive failure. The good news is exercise is a great tool to improve sleep quality.
Topics include
- Understand the role sleep plays in managing your health
- Why sleep as an impact on your inability to lose weight
- How exercise has a positive impact on your sleep
- How sleep has a positive affect on your mood and general wellbeing
- Create better sleep hygiene
- Movement to promote better sleep
Week 8 – Follow Up Skype Call (30 mins)
Review goals and outcome measures and reflect on the journey. Discuss, implement and continue exercise and educational support. Discover the importance of mindset for ongoing success in maintaining your newfound energy levels, vitality and confidence.
Topics include
- Why is mindset important
- The power of positive thinking
- Strategies to stay motivated to exercise regularly
- Strategies to mindfully manage your mental health
- Strategies to mindfully manage your emotional health
- Exercise Program