How To Keep A Healthy Spine For Life – Low Back Pain
Low back pain has increased dramatically in recent years and is now the leading cause of disability globally. Research has shown that ‘50 per cent of Australians suffered from back pain in the past month’. As a health professional this statistic is alarming and needs attention.
In an article published in The Lancet (Medical Journal) the following was found:
“It is estimated 540 million people worldwide are now affected by back pain at any one time, while in Australia more than 3.7 million people experienced this type of pain.”
“The papers found that an ageing global population, urbanisation, sedentary lifestyles and the emergence of new technologies would likely exacerbate the problem.” (1)
So, with the number of cases for back pain sharply on the rise – are you doing all that you can to avoid being a statistic? Here is a checklist you can implement to ensure you are preventing and/or managing your back pain on a daily basis.
Stand Up – If you are in a sedentary job, are you standing up regularly enough through out the day? Best ergonomic practice suggests standing up and releasing your sitting posture and moving for 2 minutes will improve your spine health.
Move More – commit to your exercise routine each week and include a variety of exercise types. Weight training, cardiovascular fitness, stretching and recovery (eg. yoga, pilates etc). Your body will always let you know what it can do safely – so if a particular exercise is uncomfortable have a trainer watch over your technique and point you in the right direction.
Manage Stress – when stressed the body holds onto tension, which may exacerbate back pain. Manage your stress by implementing a breathing technique, going for a walk in nature or participating in a yoga class weekly can make all the difference in managing the symptoms of back pain.
Do your best to apply these simply habits into your day to prevent or manage your back pain.
Remember our bodies were made to move!
Louisa is an Exercise Physiologist in Melbourne. If you have back pain and would like advice on how to manage it safely, feel free to get in touch to discuss further.
- Clark, Stephanie et al. Low back pain: a major global challenge. The Lancet