
Setting You Goals and Intentions Mindfully

If you reflect back on 2021, did you set any goals or intentions? Did you achieve them? If yes, fantastic! Your commitment to your goals is what got you there. If you answered no, please keep reading.. Like with anything you want to achieve in life, setting goals and...

7 Natural Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

What The Mainstream Media Isn't Telling You About Your Immune Health.. I believe this may be the most important blog I have written so far as it addresses the current lockdown situation and its effects on your immunity and overall health and wellbeing. The mainstream media...

Are You Heading Towards Chronic Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions, with approximately 80% of Australians debilitated by it. Back pain is prevalent in the modern day world – and the most common reasons for back pain are disc injuries, sciatica, lifting heavy objects, lack of...

Stay Healthy This Winter

We all know that exercising in winter can be a struggle. So how can you overcome the winter blues, stay healthy and on track with your health goals this winter and not get a fright when you look in the mirror come Spring? You need to MOVE.   Here...

Low Back Pain

How To Keep A Healthy Spine For Life – Low Back Pain

  Low back pain has increased dramatically in recent years and is now the leading cause of disability globally. Research has shown that ‘50 per cent of Australians suffered from back pain in the past month’. As a health professional this statistic is alarming and needs...