
Are You Taking Care Of Your Mental Health & Wellbeing With These 5 Conscious Shifts?

To my fellow Victorians, this is for you.

As we enter into Stage 4 lockdown for the next 6 weeks, I know at some point you may be overcome with feelings of overwhelm, anger, stress, and anxiety. I get it – it’s a worthy reaction for what is happening in the world. I encourage you to feel them and then allow them to pass through you. Try not to let them sit for too long and build up as it can lead to body aches and pains, lack of energy and demotivation. 

The most important thing here is how you choose to deal with what comes your way. By formulating and executing positive daily habits, you put yourself in a much better position to take charge of the uneasy feelings that may turn up with normal everyday stressors which are currently heightened.

Here are 5 ways to improve your health & wellbeing during lockdown 3.0 to preserve your mental energy and emotional balance to get you through the next 6 weeks and beyond.

1. Connection

Connection is a basic human need. There is strong evidence to suggest that social relationships are critical for promoting wellbeing. Although we can’t physically meet up at the moment due to lockdown 3.0 in Victoria, spending some quality time over zoom or facetime with loved ones and friends is the next best thing. Checking in on someone may just turn their mood around and how they feel about the current situation to give them hope that this too shall pass.

Tip: Call up a friend or family member, send someone a card or small gift from a local business and make their day!

2. Stay Active

As we are only allowed to exercise 1 hr per day outside in nature at the moment, ensure you are getting out and breathing in some fresh air. If there was ever a time that we needed to move, it is now. Whether it’s a run, walk or bike ride prioritise it. Physical activity has a positive effect on your mental wellbeing, so the sooner you get out into nature or participate in an online exercise circuit, yoga, pilates or spin class classes the sooner you will be releasing endorphins – the happy hormone!

Tip: Schedule it in, choose your favourite podcast or audio book and take a nice long walk.

3. Learn Something New

Stimulating your mind in different ways can provide you with a sense of achievement, confidence and purpose. Engage in a new activity or research something you have wondered about, as continued learning through life enhances your self-esteem and encourages social interaction. We have the gift of time at home at the moment so why not develop a skill or begin a passion project so you come out the other end of lockdown feeling as though you have accomplished what you have always wanted to do but never had the time for.

Tip: Take a creative class online eg. cooking, art or photography or whatever your interest may be and work on developing some new skills. 

4. Give To Others

It would be so easy to shut ourselves away in our homes and think about anything other than feeling and thinking about the difficult times we are under in lockdown. However, the most important thing to realise in all of this is that we can’t change what is going on but we can choose to change how we deal with it.

Giving your time to others by being present at home, work or in an online chat can be so powerful and rewarding at the same time.  The smallest act of kindness counts and could change someone’s outlook on what is a very difficult time.

Tip: It could be a simple hello while out on your walk, a smile, a thank you or a kind word to someone you know or you just met.

5. Be Mindful

Finally – the most powerful state you could be in is ‘the present moment’. Live in the now and appreciate each moment for what it is. You have been gifted extra time with your family, significant other and/or children. Spend this time in lockdown making memories. 

When we are surrounded by love, gratitude and appreciation, the problems of the outside world quieten down as we are too busy indulging in the beauty of our inner sanctum. 

Tip: Each night jot down 3 things you are grateful for in a diary or journal. I promise you despite what we are faced with at the moment – you will have no problem in finding 3 things each day.

Please take some time in your day to practice these conscious daily activities. By doing so you are investing in your physical, emotional and mental health and taking responsibility for showing up as the best version of yourself each day for you and those around you!

Let’s do this for each other X

Louisa Sammartino
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