
5 Reasons Why Exercise Should be a Priority During Lockdown (Part Two)

Yes – we are here again, my fellow Melbournians…lockdown part two. I feel your frustration and I hear your concerns but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. I believe the key to surviving these restrictions is through self care, self love, surrounding yourself with like minded people and nurturing your needs. 

When you are well mentally, physically and emotionally, so are those around you. It starts with you.

I wanted to share with you 5 reasons how exercise will help you navigate your way through these restrictions and come out of it a better version of yourself:

  • Your Mental Strength Holds the Key

It’s not uncommon at this time to have feelings of helplessness, frustration and uncertainty. It is ok to feel it and express it but at the same time there needs to be a realisation that it can’t be changed and a different mindset is required to navigate through it. 

Yes – COVID restrictions are out of your hands, however you have control on what you can do day to day to improve your mental and emotional health. Exercise plays an important role in making you feel good! Do whatever you can to move and stay physically active in this time.

  • Stay Focused on your Health

I had a group discussion with the women in my Awaken Your Body Program this morning via zoom about what they wanted to accomplish by the end of the 6 weeks. I felt it was important to address this second round of lockdown and discuss new strategies as we go through it again for a second time.

I believe it’s so important to have an achievable goal to keep your mind, body and soul focused so that as we come out of this lockdown you will have achieved something positive for yourself and continue the momentum in all aspects of your life moving forward. 

Write down a health goal you’d like to achieve at the end of the 6 weeks. It could be to lose 3 kg’s or walk 5 days per week or to honour your rest days with some gentle stretching or meditation. Whatever it is write it down where you can see it every day!

  • Aches and Pains will Amplify if you don’t Pacify them

Times of uncertainty and lack of control brings on increased stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Which is why, for those who suffer with chronic aches and pains you will perhaps feel it more in these times. 

There is a correlation between stress and increased pain. When you are stressed, your body tenses up more affecting the tissues and your breathing is compromised with shallow breathing, restricting blood and oxygen flow around the body.

It is essential that you move your body gently throughout this lockdown period with 30 mins of walking daily or 3 x 10 min walks if 30 is too much all at once. Walking is the quickest, cheapest and easiest way to relax your body and ease pain.

  • Build a Strong Foundation

With fitness facilities forced to close and access to machines and heavier weights unavailable, I encourage you to shift how you look at this lockdown.

Using this time at home to rehab your body and build strong foundations with some mat pilates based exercises for in and around your hips, buttock and spine. This will set you up for a stronger and more resilient version of yourself when returning to the gym or exercise classes in 6 weeks time.

You now have another opportunity to reset your body and iron out any niggles, injuries and/or weakness that you previous would have ignored and continued on with. We all have something we can work on.

  • Pencil it in your Diary and Create an Inviting Space

Most of us have a stash of exercise equipment laying around, especially because we have already been through a lockdown. Dust them off and set up a little corner of a room with the intention to exercise there. Having a dedicated space with your equipment where you can see it will help you achieve your exercise goals. 

To assist with making exercise a habit, on a Sunday evening or Monday morning, schedule your exercise in by writing it in your diary or add it in your phone calendar with a reminder, just as you would a meeting or stopping for lunch. 

Exercise plays an important role in stabilising your mood, increasing energy and overall outlook as we are forced to work from home, home school and look after loved ones through this lockdown. Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins, also known as the ‘happy hormones’ and I believe we need to do what we can to facilitate an optimal mental state to overcome this challenge we are all facing!

If you would like to be a part of a lovely community of women who are still achieving their health goals (fat loss and a reduction in aches and pains) despite lockdown part 1 and part 2, please get in touch to know more about my exercise programs and community support at

Louisa Sammartino
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